Health Literacy Month

October is Health Literacy Month. So, this month, we want to educate the Jefferson County community on the importance of health literacy.

Health literacy is defined in two ways, according to the Institute for Healthcare Advancement:

1.      Personal health literacy is how well a person can find, understand, and use information and services to make decisions about their own health and the health of others.

2. Organizational health literacy is how well organizations equitably help all people find, understand, and use information and services to make decisions about their own health and others.

            Health literacy, in a nutshell, means making sure the community has access to the resources they need to help them be happier and healthier.

            We, as an organization, are working on organizational health literacy. One of the first steps is this blog post!

            There is an all-encompassing resource directory Jefferson County residents can use. This directory is called ASPEN, and it can be found by typing or copying and pasting the following into your browser: bh.AspenNetworkInc.Org/Public/Resource-Directory

      ASPEN is a resource directory that directs users to finding healthcare providers. This tool can be used in many ways. You can input your insurance coverage, as well as your home address. This will help you find providers that are in network with your insurance and also close to home. But, ASPEN doesn't just show you doctors. They also show therapists, food pantries, public transportation options, and more. So, if you are a person in need or know a person in need, check out ASPEN, and hopefully this tool can lead you in the correct direction.

           Another tool someone in Jefferson County may want to look into is the protective factors resource list. This list can be found on our website by typing or copying and pasting into your browser. This will take you to a list of resources, sorted into categories. Pick which category you need resources from, and click that button to be led to the list of resources. Each button will give you a list of new resources. So, look it up and explore the pages! You never know when you or a loved one will need a resource from this list.

           We hope this post was helpful, and that it helps lead you in the right direction; toward health literacy!

Emergency Preparedness: Quick Tips

September is National Preparedness Month. With this in mind, we wanted to remind you how to be fully prepared in an emergency.

1. Have a basic emergency kit/go-bag

The first step in being prepared for an emergency is to have a basic emergency kit/go-bag prepared and easy to grab. In this kit, you will want to include:

  • Flashlight

  • battery-operated radio

  • extra batteries

  • food

  • water

  • medications

  • important documents such as medical records, copies of birth certificates, and social security cards.

Think of you and your family and what you all need to survive. If it is a survival necessity, put extras of it in your emergency kit.

If you are a caregiver to disabled children or adults, you should consider prepping a specialized go-bag of life-saving items. Whatever is necessary to keep them alive in an emergency should be included. Make sure you have at least three days’ worth of it in your go-bag.

If you have pets, make sure you prepare for what you will do with them in an emergency, as well. Make sure you have a stock of food and water for them just like you do for your human family members. Also pack leashes, collars, vet records, and anything else you may see as a necessity to keep your pet safe during an emergency.

2. Create an evacuation plan

Another important aspect of emergency preparedness is creating a detailed evacuation plan in case of a fire or weather emergency. Plan out who grabs the emergency kit, who grabs the baby, who takes the pets, where to meet outside of the home, etc. Make sure everyone is accounted for and prepared for their role. We suggest going over your emergency plan with your family once a year to make sure everyone is on the same page.

One thing to consider in an emergency is knowing where your utility shut-offs are, including electric and water. For example, if you have a pipe burst, you want to be able to shut off the water to prevent flooding in your home.

In general, it is best to stay prepared for an emergency at all times, just in case. It is always best to be on the safe side. So, make your go-bag, inform your family of the plans, and stay informed to keep you and your family safe!

Health Department Reports West Nile Virus Detected in Arnold, MO Mosquito Populations

Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) reports additional West Nile Virus (WNV) detections in mosquito populations. Specimens tested on August 31st detected WNV in Arnold mosquito populations.

JCHD Vector Division cooperates with the City of Arnold to implement control measures. On the evening of September 3rd, JCHD began spraying adulticide treatment in an unincorporated area that closely borders Arnold city limits, while the City of Arnold will handle control measures within city limits. JCHD’s Mosquito Control and Surveillance program will continue to monitor the county for West Nile Virus in the mosquito population.

“Since we have seen West Nile Virus detected in several areas across the county, we want residents to know the importance of protective measures,” states JCHD Interim Executive Director Steve Sikes.

The health department encourages residents throughout the county to be diligent in protecting themselves and their loved ones when they are outdoors. Protection from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry can be as simple as:

  • Use insect repellents that contain 20% - 50% DEET or Picaridin

  • Wearing light-colored clothes

  • Covering exposed skin

In addition to personal protection, residents can protect their homes and property by removing standing water sources such as waste tires, cans, buckets, flowerpot sills, or other containers holding water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in. 

Jefferson County Health Department Reports West Nile Virus Detected in De Soto Mosquito Population

Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) is reporting the first detection of West Nile Virus in a mosquito population in Jefferson County. Specimen collected on August 16th were tested August 18th and detected West Nile Virus in mosquito populations in De Soto, Missouri. De Soto city officials have been notified of the positive results.

JCHD Vector Division will begin implementing control measures in the affected areas of concern on the evening of August 19th. JCHD’s Mosquito Control and Surveillance program will continue to monitor the county for West Nile Virus in the mosquito population.

The health department encourages residents throughout the county to be diligent in protecting themselves and their loved ones when they are outdoors. Protection from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry can be as simple as:

  • Use insect repellents that contain 20% - 50% DEET or Picaridin

  • Wearing light-colored clothes

  • Covering exposed skin

In addition to personal protection, residents can protect their homes and property by removing standing water sources such as waste tires, cans, buckets, flowerpot sills, or other containers holding water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in. 

Click for more information about the JCHD Mosquito Control and Surveillance Program.

MO DHSS Health Advisory: Health Risks Associated with Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids


  • The recent amplified availability and use of Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids (e.g., delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and over a dozen others) pose significant health risks, particularly to youth.

  • Reporting of adverse reactions to consumption of products containing Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids has increased.

  • These intoxicating compounds are currently untested in humans, unregulated, and sold to the public without restriction.

  • Until safety data is available for human consumption, Missourians are advised to avoid these products.


Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids are not currently subject to federal regulation. -

  • The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp but included “derivatives” and “isomers” of the plant in the definition of hemp, as long as content of delta-9 THC by weight is less than 0.3%.

  • Since 2018, processes have been developed to chemically derive over a dozen different intoxicating cannabinoids from hemp at varying potency levels.

  • Hemp is indeed regulated by the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, but that regulatory authority ends after harvest. There is no safety/quality/concentration regulation pertaining to hemp subject to post-harvest chemical conversions.

  • The FDA views hemp-derived cannabinoids as unapproved food additives, unapproved new drugs, misbranded drugs, adulterants when in food, and excluded from the definition of dietary supplements. The FDA has issued numerous warning letters to food facilities documenting violations of these regulations after the 2018 Farm Bill, including letters sent as recently as November 2023.

Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids are also not currently subject to state regulation in Missouri.

Currently, a wide variety of foods, beverages, purported dietary supplements, and other commodities containing hemp-derived compounds, both intoxicating and non-intoxicating, are available online and in traditional brick-and-mortar establishments in Missouri.

These products are marketed progressively and assertively in eye-catching ways to attract public consumption, particularly that of young consumers.

11.4% of 2,186 US 12-grade students self-reported Delta-8-THC use in 2023, and this prevalence was noted to be higher in the Midwest, according to a recent March 12, 2024, publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Harlow, et al.).

Risk Factors

Consuming Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids is associated with the following risks:

Risk for Poisoning

  • There are no studies on human health effects and safety of these compounds.

  • Both short-term and long-term effects of these compounds are unknown.

  • Many products include a combination of these new intoxicating cannabinoids.

  • Many products are mislabeled, alleging inaccurate potency, and not disclosing presence of combinations of intoxicating cannabinoids or other toxic byproducts or contaminants.

  • There are no regulated potency limits, despite risk of higher potency leading to greater harm.

  • Accidental poisoning to children is due to attractive packaging and lack of childproofing.

  • U.S. Poison Centers reported 82% more delta-8-THC cases in 2022 compared to 2021.

Potential for Unexpected Intoxication

  • There are no standards requiring products containing hemp-derived compounds to disclose the amounts of intoxicating cannabinoids in the product. One recent study found at least twenty-six different intoxicating compounds in hemp-derived cannabis products readily available on the market, the most common being Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), THC-P, Delta-9 THC, HHC, THC-A, Delta-10 THC, THC-H, THC-B, THC- JD, THC-X, HHC-P, and Delta-11 THC.

  • Because there are large variations in product formulation and widespread inaccuracies in labelling of active ingredient content, percentage, and/or quality, the consumer cannot have confidence in the dosage of hemp-derived compounds being ingested, even when attempting to make an informed decision based on the label.

Appeal to Children and Mimicking of Commercial Food Products

  • There are no regulations imposing age restrictions on intoxicating hemp-derived products, which are widely available online and in brick-and-mortar establishments like gas stations, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Some of these intoxicating hemp-derived products intentionally mimic commercial food products that appeal to children.

Direct effects of these particular cannabinoids on the body include but are not limited to the following:

  • Impairment of cognitive function, memory, and judgment. Hallucinations. Anxiety.

  • Nausea, vomiting.

  • Dizziness, tremor.

  • Loss of consciousness, death.

  • Dependency: Prolonged use may result in dependency, leading to addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

Impaired driving and operation of machinery, increasing risk for lethal accidents. Contaminants and byproduct effects on the body

  • Chemically processing hemp into intoxicating cannabinoids can involve the use of toxic solvents and acids, which can remain in the final product.

Processing hemp into intoxicating cannabinoids without testing may result in products with high concentrations of heavy metals, infectious contaminants, and other contaminants, such as mold and pesticides.

Missouri DHSS Recommendations

In 2021, DHSS joined CDC in issuing a Health Advisory that warned the public to be aware of concerns with Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids. Since then, Missouri has experienced an increase in cannabis consumption poisonings and has identified reliable evidence of unique health and safety risks associated with these products. At this time, the public should avoid products that contain Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids until further notice. Without additional research regarding safety in humans, these compounds are considered unsafe.

Youth are particularly susceptible to these readily available products. These products should vigilantly be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Sale of these products in Missouri is discouraged until safety data is available in order to protect the public health of Missourians. If direct-to-consumer availability persists, retailers are strongly encouraged to ensure the products they sell have been tested for contaminants, to only sell products that accurately disclose potency information, to clearly label products with a warning that the product has not been determined to be safe or effective, to avoid making any medical claims about the product’s use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and to prohibit sales to youth under 21 years of age.

Product labels should be checked when possible to identify and avoid the following product ingredients, which are Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids if sold outside of a Missouri-regulated cannabis dispensary: Delta-8 THC, Delta-6 THC, Delta-10 THC, Delta-11 THC, THC-A, THC-O, THC-P, THC-V, THC-JD, PHC, HHC, HHC-P and HXC. However, it is important to note there is no regulatory authority verifying these product labels are accurate.

Further awareness-raising and education is warranted to inform the public in Missouri.

Healthcare providers should screen patients for all types of cannabinoid use and provide appropriate interventions for those at risk. Patients presenting with cannabis intoxication symptoms who do not report cannabis use should be queried about their exposure to Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids and managed accordingly.

For additional information on Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Cannabinoids: Refer to the References listed below.
